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Here are some local authors and illustrators who may be available for school or library visits.  Please use the emails and links to below for more information and/or contact that author/illustrator directly.

Please contact us if you would like GBS Books to provide books for sale at your author event or for information on how to use your event as a fundraiser.

Author/Illustrator Database for School Visits
Author Name Author Contact E-mail Website Grade Interest Sample of Titles
Pheobe Fox mamafoxbooks@gmail.com https://mamafoxbooks.com/ Pre-K-3rd On the Verde River, Julian Blooms, Up Up Up, Babies Nurse
Karen Chow kchowrites@gmail.com http://www.kchowrites.com/contact 4-8 Miracle
Matt McMann mattmcmann@icloud.com https://mattmcmann.com/speaking/ 4-8 Monsterious Series
Lisa McMann http://lisamcmann.com/ http://lisamcmann.com/ 3-8 Forgotten Five Series, Clarice the Brave, Unwanteds
Harshita Jerath authorharshitajerath@gmail.com https://harshitajerath.com/ K-5 Leaping Laddoo, Cooler than Lemonade
Jim Paillot jimpaillot@cox.net http://www.jimpaillot.com/ K-6 Illustator-“My Weird School” series
Amy Fellner Dominy amydominyauthor@gmail.com http://amydominy.com/ Pre-K-Middle School Cookiesaurus Rex, Audition and Subtraction
Jennifer Ward https://www.jenniferwardbooks.com/ K-6 Mama Built a Little Nest, Way Out in the Desert, There Was a Coyote Who Swallowed a Flea
Diane White dianne@diannewrites.com https://diannewrites.com/contact/ K-6 Blue on Blue, Green on Green, The Sharing Book
Terri Fields authorterrifields@yahoo.com https://terrifields.com/about-author-visits K-12 Burro’s Tortillas, The Most Dangerous, One Good Deed
Conrad J. Storad topstorad@mail.com https://www.conradjstorad.com/author-visits K-8 The Bat Book, Rattlesnake Rules, Arizona Way Out West and Wacky
Molly Idle https://theauthorvillage.com/presenters/molly-idle/ Flora and the Flamingo, Coral, Flora and the Penguin, Tea Rex
Sara Fujimura Saraffujimura@gmail.com https://sarafujimura.com/ Middle-High School Every Reason We Shouldn’t, Faking Reality
Molly Bang mgbang@gmail.com
Dawn Young *Limited Availability* dawnyoung7@cox.net https://www.dawnyoungbooks.com/ Pre-K-3rd The Night Baafore the First Day of School, Once Upon a Christmas
Michael Hale https://www.michaelhale.me/visits.html Pre-K-12 Bad Monkey Business, Fast Freddie
Nate Evans Nate@NateEvans.com http://www.nateevans.com/
Loving Literacy Authors Collective info@lovingliteracyauthors.com lovingliteracyauthors.com
Kid Lit Collective KLCollective.pdf (diannewrites.com)