2321 W. Royal Palm Road, Suite F - Phoenix AZ 85021 | Local: (602) 863 - 6000 | (800) 851-6001

Following Governor Ducey’s latest Executive Order to stay home, we want to let you know we ARE still open.  We are thankful to meet the necessary criteria  (family-owned/operated business) to continue our warehouse functions in support of the educational community and distance learning.  We will continue to answer phone calls, respond to requests for price quotes, take and fulfill orders, and allow for orders to be picked up curbside, or delivered when a delivery location is available.  The health and safety of employees and community remains paramount so we will continue to adhere to all C.D.C. guidelines. 
The only thing that does change is our warehouse/showroom will be closed for walk-in shopping through April 30, or until the Executive Order is lifted.
While the students will not return to school this year, your procurement and funding requirements may not have changed.  GBS Books is still available to help meet your fiscal year-end deadlines.  We know the next few months are going to look very different than any other year. We understand; and with 37 years of experience working with the schools, GBS Books (Gardner’s) has the knowledge to help.  

This year, more than ever before, we hope you will support the local businesses who support our schools and communities. Our competitive prices and flexible return policies remain consistent to support your school plans and agenda.
Most of all, please know that we understand these are scary and uncertain times. We feel it too. But we are also encouraged by the acts of kindness and shows of support we are witnessing everywhere in our community. 
Thank you for all of the phone calls and emails. We value your partnership. Truly, we are in this together. And if there is anything else we can do to assist you, please let me know. We look forward to healthier and happier times ahead. 

Be well,
Troy Williams
GBS Books (Gardner’s Book Service)
