
Amazing Jellies: Jewels of the Sea

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Amazing Jellies: Jewels of the Sea

SKU: 67998 Category: Tag:


Amazing Jellies presents an entertaining and authoritative look into the little-known world of what we commonly, but incorrectly, have known as jellyfish. Jellies are among the most beautiful and unusual animals on earth. They are found in all the oceans of the world and even in some freshwater lakes and rivers. They come in all sizes, from 3mm to 12 feet across and 100 feet long. They are 95 percent water, with a little bit of protein, oil, and salt. Jellies have lived on the earth for millions of years, and their fossils have been found in rocks 650 million years old. They have no brain, no liver, no kidneys, no heart, no lungs, or gills. They do not need blood, have no eyes, nose or tongue. They can be lethal and are nearly always beautiful.

Presents an entertaining and authoritative look into the little-known world of jellies.