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The fourth edition of the best-selling new owner s breed guide, The American Kennel Club s Meet the Breeds now presents profiles and photographs of 199 breeds, representing every AKC-recognized breed. Nearly 400 color photographs on 216 pages, the new edition includes the four new breeds entering the AKC in 2014: the American Hairless Terrier, the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen, the Norrbottenspets, and the Portuguese Podengo.
Now in its fifth year, the AKC Meet the Breed(r) event, which takes place each fall in New York City, is a spectacular forum for the public to meet different breeds of dogs (and cats) in the furand to talk to experts of each breed. This publication, authorized by the American Kennel Club, proves to be an accurate, reliable buyer s guide to assist potential new owners in their selection of the right breed.
In addition to color photographs of an adult and a puppy, breed profile include an official description of the breed with specifics of size, temperament, coat, and color, along with a brief history of the breed in its homeland and the United States. As an introduction to many familiar and lesser known breeds, The American Kennel Club s Meet the Breeds offers buyer s information on how to find and select a puppy plus contacts for each breed club s rescue programs. The profiles also include expert advice on grooming, training, activity level and exercise requirements, which new owners will find valuable in helping them make a decision about which breed best suits their lifestyles and expectations.
The book begins with an introductory chapter titled Are You Ready to Be a Dog Owner?, which briefly describes the responsibilities of dog ownership, as well as the specific qualities of the breeds categorized in each of the seven AKC Groups (Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, and Herding). Summary boxes in this chapter list the various characteristics of the dogs in each group.
The 199 breeds featured in the book are arranged alphabetically, and the profiles begin with the breed s year of AKC recognition and group classification. A resource section includes recommended books, periodicals, websites and AKC programs that new owners will find useful and informative. The book is fully indexed.